Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Photography Quiz Group B

 1. Create a Large Depth of Field 
ISO- 800
Shutter Speed- 1.0"
F/stop- 22.0
For this photo I took an area with a lot of leading lines so it would direct your eye back. Because the shutter speed was an entire second I sat the camera on the railing going up towards this area. I made the f/stop a high number so I would get a large depth of field in this photo. 
 2. Create a shot with blur but keep the background in focus
ISO- 800
Shutter Speed- 0.4
F/stop- 22.0
For this shot I had someone walk in front of the camera and I had a slow shutter speed to create the blur. I also put the camera at a high f/stop in this shot too just to keep the background in focus while the subject was blurred. 
 3. Take a shot using the self times with a low depth of field
ISO- 400
Shutter Speed- 1/8
F/stop- 4.0
With this "Selfie," I just set up the 10 second timer on my camera and set up the tripod and let the camera do its magic. But I did set the f/stop at a low number to make the subject (me) in focus and the background not as prevalent. 
4. Create a shot with a lot of grain
ISO- 12800
Shutter Speed- 1/20 
F/stop- 22.0
For this shot I put my camera up to the highest ISO in somewhat dull lighting and I went in close to the sign to create as much visible grain as possible. In my mind, I was mostly trying to find something at my height with a dark color because darker muted colors give off a higher grain look in the end, in my opinion. 

Throughout this unit I have learned that all the exposures and different things that go into different shots, all effect each other in one way or another. I also learned that you can use different methods like the ones we used in this quiz to add interest and originality to our photographs. 

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